Emmanuelle Bribosia
A graduate in law (1994 – with1st Class Honours) and with a PhD in Law (2000, with the highest distinction – the Alice Seghers prize) from the ULB, Emmanuelle Bribosia is a full time Professor in European law and human rights at the ULB (Faculty of Law and Institute for European Studies). She is the Director of the Centre for European Law and coordinates the LL.M. in European law.
Research activities
Her research activities focus on international and European human rights protection with an emphasis on equality and non-discrimination law. She has adopted an interdisciplinary approach to these topics. As a participant in several networks of excellence, Emmanuelle Bribosia has pursued and is pursuing a number of pieces of research in international projects, in particular:
- The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration: Towards a User’s Perspective (Pôle d’Attraction Interuniversitaire, 2012-2017) ;
- ‘Sous le signe du mérite et de la conformité culturelle. Les nouvelles politiques d’intégration des immigrés en Europe’ (Action de Recherche Concertée, Centre MAM, 2012-2017);
- ‘L’étranger et l’autre à l’épreuve des transformations normatives et identitaires en Europe’ (Action de Recherche Concertée, Centre MAM, 2006-2011) ;
- MEDIADEM: European Media Policies Revisited : Valuing and Reclaiming Free and Independent Media in Contemporary Democratic Systems (EU, FP7, 2010-2013) ;
- JURISTRAS: The Strasbourg Court, Democracy and the Human Rights of Individuals and Communities : Patterns of Litigation, State Implementation and Domestic Reform (EU, FP6, 2006-2009).
Emmanuelle Bribosia is also a member of the European Network of Legal Experts in the Non-discrimination Field, from the Berkeley Comparative Anti-Discrimination Law Study Group and of the ULB’s ‘STRIGES’ interdisciplinary research structure on gender, equality and sexuality.
In 2014 she founded the Equality Law Clinic with Isabelle Rorive.
She is a member of several editorial boards of international publications (Cahiers de droit européen, Journal européen des droits de l’homme, Revue belge de droit international) and co-supervises, along with Patrick de Fontbressin the ‘Droit et justice’ collection published by Anthémis.
Teaching activities
A Professor at the ULB, she is in charge of the following courses given as part of LL.M. in European law, the Masters in law and the Masters specialising in international law: ‘Droit public européen’ (with Marianne Dony), ‘Intégration par le droit’, ‘Protection internationale et européenne des droits et libertés’, ‘Union européenne et droits fondamentaux’, ‘Approches juridiques des discriminations’ (with Isabelle Rorive) and ‘Droits fondamentaux. Enjeux juridiques et normatifs’ (with Justine Lacroix and Isabelle Rorive). Since 2007 she has been President of the teaching college for the LL.M. in European law and President of pedagogical coordination in European law.
She has been invited as a guest lecturer to other Belgian and foreign universities such as the University of Liège, Bologna University, the Academy of European Law in Treves, Montreal University, UQAM, California University – Berkeley or in public institutions (High authority for combatting discrimination, ombudsman – France).
Emmanuelle Bribosia
Centre de droit européen
Institut d’études européennes – Faculté de droit
Université Libre de Bruxelles (C.P. 172)
Avenue F.D Roosevelt 39, 1050 Bruxelles
Telephone: +32 2 650 40 54
Fax: +32 2 650 30 68
Email: ebribo@ulb.ac.be