Andrée Puttemans
Associate Member
Andrée Puttemans is a Professor. She was Dean of the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, where she heads up the Economic Law Unit of the Centre for Private Law.
Teaching activities
She gives classes on ‘Droit des marques et de la concurrence déloyale’, ‘Droit des brevets et des dessins et modèles’, ‘Droit économique et Droit de la propriété intellectuelle’ and ‘Droit économique comparé’.
Since 2007, she has been, in addition, guest Professor for the complementary Master’s in intellectual rights organised by the K.U. Leuven, where she gives a class on ‘Droits intellectuels et droit de la concurrence’.
Research activities
Her main research areas are the following, both in Belgian as well as in European and international law:
- Intellectual property law,
- Competition law (especially the law on unfair competition and the relationship between competition law and intellectual property law),
- Consumer law,
- The law relating to class actions.
She has written a large number of publications in these areas.
Her PhD law thesis was published under the title ‘Droits intellectuels et concurrence déloyale’ (Bruylant, 2000).
From 2008 to 2010, she has headed up, together with Professor Arnaud Nuyts, the Review of the Law Faculty of thee Université Libre de Bruxelles (Rev. Fac. Dr. ULB).
She is a member of the Conseil Benelux de la Propriété Intellectuelle [Benelux Council on Intellectual Property ; a member of the (Belgian) Council of Intellectual Property (industrial property department) ; a member of the Ligue Internationale du Droit de la Concurrence (LIDC) [International League of Competition Law] as well as the Association belge pour l’étude du droit de la concurrence [Belgian Association for the Study of Competition Law] and the treasurer of the Belgian group of the Association Henri Capitan of friends of French legal culture.
Andrée Puttemans has also been a lawyer at the Barreau de Bruxelles [Bar of Brussels] (1986-2011), specialising in her areas of teaching and research.
Email: andree.puttemans@ulb.ac.be