Anthony Rizzo
Associate Member
Anthony Rizzo holds a Masters in law obtained from the ULB with a major distinction (2011) and a PhD (2020). During his academic studies, he was awarded two prestigious prizes: the Paul Foriers Prize and the René Marcq Prize. The first rewards students for having obtained their Bachelors in Law with at least a major distinction whilst keeping the best balance between legal classes and non-law classes. The second rewards the student who has shown, throughout his studies, the best aptitude for academic research.
He has launched himself into producing a PhD thesis since October 2014 (supervisor: Anne Weyembergh), which he successfully defended on 15th of December 2020 (President of the Jury Franklin KUTY ; secretary Anne Weyembergh ; members Marc Preumont, Joëlle Rozie et Marie-Aude Beernaert). He has been an assistant at the Faculty of Law of the ULB (methodology for research and drafting in criminal law) for several years and is now the substitute teacher for the class Droit pénal spécial approfondi. He has also been registered with the Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Bruxelles since November 2014 and as an associate in the Akalex law firm.
Research activities
His PhD thesis is entitled : « La confiscation et le gel préventif d’avoirs terroristes : quelle place pour les droits fondamentaux dans la lutte contre le crime et le terrorisme ? ».
He also took part in the activities of the European Criminal Law Academic (ECLAN) Network.
Teaching activities
Anthony Rizzo is substitute teacher for the class Droit pénal spécial approfondi (ULB Faculty of Law and Criminology) since the academic year 2020-2021.
Anthony Rizzo holds a Masters in law obtained from the ULB with a major distinction (2011) and a PhD (2020). During his academic studies, he was awarded two prestigious prizes: the Paul Foriers Prize and the René Marcq Prize. The first rewards students for having obtained their Bachelors in Law with at least a major distinction whilst keeping the best balance between legal classes and non-law classes. The second rewards the student who has shown, throughout his studies, the best aptitude for academic research.
He has launched himself into producing a PhD thesis since October 2014 (supervisor: Anne Weyembergh), which he successfully defended on 15th of December 2020 (President of the Jury Franklin KUTY ; secretary Anne Weyembergh ; members Marc Preumont, Joëlle Rozie et Marie-Aude Beernaert). He has been an assistant at the Faculty of Law of the ULB (methodology for research and drafting in criminal law) for several years and is now the substitute teacher for the class Droit pénal spécial approfondi. He has also been registered with the Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Bruxelles since November 2014 and as an associate in the Akalex law firm.
Research activities
His PhD thesis is entitled : « La confiscation et le gel préventif d’avoirs terroristes : quelle place pour les droits fondamentaux dans la lutte contre le crime et le terrorisme ? ».
He also took part in the activities of the European Criminal Law Academic (ECLAN) Network.
Teaching activities
Anthony Rizzo is substitute teacher for the class Droit pénal spécial approfondi (ULB Faculty of Law and Criminology) since the academic year 2020-2021.
Email: ar@akalex.be