Ali Bounjoua
Ali Bounjoua is holder of a master’s degree in Law of the Université libre de Bruxelles (2020, magna cum laude). During his master he focused on criminal law with a specialisation in international and European criminal law. That is why the subject of his master’s thesis was the place of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the foreign terrorist fighters phenomena.
In September 2020, he joined the Centre as a researcher. The subject of his PhD is the situation of the European terrorist fighters detained in Syria and Iraq. His research is supervised by Professor Anne Weyembergh (CDE-ULB) and Professor Julien Jeandesboz (REPI-ULB). His research focuses more specifically on the possibility of a trial in Syria and Iraq and the possibility of a trial in Europe to judge these European terrorists fighters.
Email: ali.bounjoua@ulb.be