Paul Dermine
Paul Dermine is professor of EU law at the Center for European law, and is affiliated to the Institute for European Studies of the Université libre de Bruxelles. Since October 2022, he has been holding a chair in European law, in the framework of which he teaches, researches and supervises students in the field of European law.
Paul Dermine holds a PhD in law (cum laude) jointly delivered, in October 2020, by Maastricht University (Netherlands) and the KULeuven (Belgium). He also holds an LL.M in International law from New York University (Hauser Global Scholar, 2016), a Master in European Studies from the College of Europe (Inbev-Baillet-Latour Scholar, 2013), and Masters in Public Law and Political Sciences delivered by the Université catholique de Louvain (2013).
Before joining ULB in October 2022, Paul has worked for two years as a référendaire at the Court of Justice of the European Union (Luxembourg). During the academic year 2020-2021, he was a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence. Between 2016 and 2020, he was a doctoral researcher at Maastricht University, and the KULeuven (joint program), institutions to which he remains affiliated as associate researcher. Paul is also a qualified lawyer of the Brussels Bar.
Research activities
Paul’s doctoral thesis was devoted to a constitutional analysis of the new economic governance of the Eurozone. It was carried under the joint supervision of Prof. Monica Claes (Maastricht University) and Prof. Elise Muir (KULeuven). It was published as a monograph by Cambridge University Press (Dermine, P., The New Economic Governance of the Eurozone – A Rule of Law Analysis, CUP, 2022, 350 p.).
More generally, Paul’s research focuses on European institutional law, the Economic and Monetary Union, integration theories, fundamental rights, and comparative constitutional law.
Paul’s recent work was published, among others, by the Cahiers de droit européen, the Common Market Law Review, the European Constitutional Law Review, the European Law Review, the European Journal of Human Rights or European Papers.
A complete list of his publications can be found here.
Teaching activities
Paul Dermine teaches the following courses at ULB : « Comparative Law » (DROI-C-3001), « Droit public européen » (DROI-C-5017), and « Protection juridictionnelle dans l’Union européenne » (DROI-O-500).
Paul Dermine
Avenue F.D Roosevelt 39, 1050 Bruxelles (bureau 202)
Email: paul.dermine@ulb.be