Joseph Damamme
Scientific collaborators
Joseph Damamme holds an LL.M. (joint degree) from the Erasmus Mundus Program ‘European Law Practice’ (Université de Rouen, France, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, Symbiosis Law School, Pune, India, 2008-2010, obtained with ‘bien’, Cum Laude) and an Advanced Masters in European Law (Master complémentaire en droit européen, Institute for European Studies of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2011, ‘Summa Cum Laude’). During his studies, he took part in Moot Courts (Concours Rousseau, 2007-2008 and European Law Moot Court, 2010-2011) and in a summer course on fundamental rights at Mykolo Romerio University (Vilnius, 2010).
He is currently a PhD researcher at the Centre of European Law where he was a research and teaching assistant (November 2012 to September 2014). His PhD research benefits from the support of the French Community of Belgium (scholarship mini-ARC, 2014-2018).
Moreover, Joseph is a member of the Equality Law Clinic where he works on a Code of Good Practice on disability at the ULB.
Research activities
From 2012 to 2015, he worked with Professor Emmanuelle Bribosia and Professor Isabelle Rorive in the research and analysis of the case law on equality and non-discrimination following an integrated approach (EU, ECHR, UN Committees and Economic and Social Committee of the Council of Europe) for the columnist of the European Journal of Human Rights (editor: Pr. O. de Schutter).
His PhD focuses on conflicts between companies’ interests (as employer and good or service provider) and rights of persons with disabilities following an integrated (UN, EU and ECHR Law) and comparative approach (US, France and UK Law). This research, under the co-supervision of Pr. Bribosia (IEE-ULB) and Pr. Rorive (Perelman Centre-ULB) is supported by the French Community of Belgium (‘mini-ARC’ scholarship).
Teaching activities
- Institute for European Studies of the ULB
- 2013-2015: ‘European Negotiation’ (POLI 0-049) under the supervision of Professor Crespy, course opened to all IEE students (Master’s level)
See for 2013-2014 (on gender equality): http://www.iee-ulb.eu/fr/actualites/2014/01/des-etudiants-de-l-iee-ulb-en-simulation-de-negociations-europeennes-au-conseil-de-l-union-europeenne
See for 2014-2015 (on regular immigration): http://www.iee-ulb.eu/en/news/2015/03/iee-ulb-students-negotiation-exercise-on-legal-immigration-in-the-eu
- 2013-2014: Methodology (TRAN – O 618) for thesis, seminar for advanced Master’s in European Law.
- 2012-2014: ‘Stage’ DROI-0-621): supervising students for their internship report which must include scientific research aspects based on their professional experience.
- COCOF (Commission communautaire française)
- 2014: Training in ‘European organisations’ (EU Law institutional and substantial Law) to COCOF and ‘Bruxelles formations’ agents (33 hours).
European Law Practice
Trainee-Lawyer in an American law firm (2011), Joseph has practiced economic areas of EU law (Competition and State Aid Law), particularly in their interaction with European fundamental rights. Moreover, Joseph passed, in 2013, the exam giving him the right to enter the Lawyer’s School in France (Centre de formation professionnelle des avocats), with honors (‘assez bien’).
Joseph was a member of the team advising Constantin Cojocariu, lawyer for the applicant in case Razvan Mihai Gherghina against Roumania (n° 42219/07) before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights. In this context, he was in charge of identifying good practice in Europe aiming at ensuring physical accessibility to university buildings and legal remedies in case of inaccessibility. He drafted a note which was submitted to the Grand Chamber: ‘Accessibility to Higher education institutions across Europe, A prerequisite for the right to education on an equal basis’ (available Accessibility to Higher education institutions across Europe).
Joseph Damamme
Institut d’études européennes
Avenue F.D Roosevelt 39, 1050 Bruxelles
Bureau 207 (1er étage)
Email: jdamamme@ulb.ac.be