Céline C. Cocq
Associate Member
Céline C. Cocq holds a PhD in Law delivered jointly by the Université libre de Bruxelles and the University of Geneva in April 2021.
She obtained a Law degree (2005), a Master’s degree in International Humanitarian Law (2010), two University Diplomas in Criminology and Criminal Studies (2005 and 2011) and an L.L.M. in Public International Law (2012). Later, she obtained a scholarship under the GEM-STONES programme, European Joint Doctorate “Globalisation, Europe & Multilateralism – Sophistication of the Transnational Order, Networks, and European Strategies”.
She is also a member of the ECLAN (European Criminal Law Academic Network) team.
Research activities
Her research focusses on substantive criminal law and criminal procedure dealing with serious crime, with a particular focus on terrorism. She specialises in regional cooperation mechanisms and on the rationalisation of these mechanisms of cooperation and of the counter-terrorism legal and policy architecture(s) at the national and regional levels.
From 2012 to 2015, she worked on the European Commission’s FP7 SURVEILLE project. In this project, she studied the use of surveillance technologies for the prevention, investigation and prosecution of serious crime in different legal systems.
After some experiences in national, regional and international institutions, Céline Cocq started her PhD entitled: “Mutual trust in the regional and interregional cooperation to counter terrorism: An analysis of EU and ASEAN approaches” (co-supervisors: Pr. Anne Weyembergh [IEE/ULB] and Pr. Robert Roth [UniGe]). She carries out a comparative analysis between the EU and ASEAN (comparative regionalism) and an analysis of the interactions between the two regions (interregionalism) in the field of counterterrorism.
Her CV is available here.
Céline C. Cocq
Office: 206
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 39
1050 Brussels
Email: celine.cocq@ulb.be
Phone: +32 (0)2.650.66.65