Every year the Centre hosts several visiting researchers, in principle for research stays of at least three months.
During their research stay, visiting researchers are integrated within the Centre’s team and are invited to take part in our collaborative work, in particular by presenting their research during one of the Centre’s internal seminars. They can benefit from the Centre’s logistical support and free access to the University’s facilities.
The selection of visiting researchers (PhD researchers, postdoctoral researchers and professors) is through the submission of a written application and takes into account the profile of the candidate as well as the quality of his/her research project, which has to cover a research area of the Centre for European Law. Applications can be sent throughout the year and at least a month before the date of the envisaged start of the research stay. They must be addressed to the Director of the Centre and include:
- A letter of motivation;
- A curriculum vitae (including a list of publications);
- A research project (of maximum three pages).
The Centre is not able to offer financial help to visiting researchers, and cannot as well guarantee a permanent access to a working space in its premises. Prospective visiting researchers must therefore approach ad hoc institutions and take the necessary steps to obtain funding and social security cover. Neither the Centre nor the University are in a position to inform applicants about funding options.
Finally, applicants who would have to obtain a visa to stay in Belgium can benefit, if their application is accepted, from help from the University service that deals with processing the visas of foreign students and researchers.