The IEE is looking for a full-time Post-Doctoral Fellow in the framework of the Horizon Europe project RED-SPINEL (‘Respond to Emerging Dissensus: SuPranational Instruments and Norms of European democracy’).
The IEE is recruiting for 2 years from September 2023, a post-doctoral researcher to study issues related to the protection of fundamental rights through expertise, citizen participation and judicial instruments, and to participate in the organization of training courses for practitioners, under the supervision of Prof. Chiara Armeni and Prof. Chloé Briere. This position is to be filled within the framework of the Horizon Europe RED-SPINEL Project of which the IEE is the coordinator, and more particularly within work packages 4 and 6 detailed here.
The selected candidate will have to contribute via his/her research to the achievement of the various deliverables and milestones of the working groups, to the dissemination of the results of the project through various events as well as to ensure the coordination of the research at the within working groups with partner institutions.
Full details of the vacancy are available here: RED-SPINEL Post-Doc Fellowship WP4-6.