(Français) Soutenance publique de la thèse de doctorat de M. Joseph Damamme
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Joseph Damamme published a post on the Strasbourg observers’ website on “Disability and University (pragmatic) Activism: the pros and cons of Enver S*ahin v Turkey“. Economic and time constraints are often used as a justification for refusing or delaying necessary Lire plus
Le vendredi 1er décembre, Joseph DAMAMME participera au colloque BRUXELLES-SUR-SEINE III “De la prise en charge du handicap à la création d’une société inclusive. Des praticiennes et des praticiens, des chercheures et chercheurs bruxellois-es et francilien-nes se croisent et Lire plus
Joseph Damamme is currently a Visiting Scholar at the Law School of the University of California, Berkeley (1 January – 6 April 2017). The research stay will allow him to explore key aspects of US Labor Law and US Disability Lire plus