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October 2023
Internal seminar: ‘Sanctions: EU decision-making in an emergency context’
On 24 October, Yuliya Miadzvetskaya, doctoral researcher at the Centre, will present her research on “Sanctions: EU decision-making in an emergency context” Attendance is free and a light lunch is provided but registration is mandatory at least 2 working days…
Find out more »Opening Speech – EU Competition Law Tuesdays
On 24 October 2023, for the Opening Speech of the 51th edition of the European Competition Law Tuesdays, we will welcome Savvas Papasavvas, Vice-President of the General Court of the European Union. Registration for the Opening Speech is now closed.…
Find out more »November 2023
Internal seminar: ‘Labour migration in Europe: the reform of the single permit directive’
On 7 November, Amy Weatherburn, post-doctoral researcher at the Centre, will present her research on “Labour migration in Europe: the reform of the single permit directive” Attendance is free but registration is mandatory at least 2 working days in advance…
Find out more »Internal seminar: ‘Governance through funding, planification and EU law’
On 21 November, Paul Dermine, professor at the Centre, will present his research on ‘Governance through funding, planification and EU law’ Attendance is free and a light lunch is provided but registration is mandatory at least 2 working days in…
Find out more »Internal seminar: ‘Free Movement of Goods in Troubled Times: Localism, Solidarity and Crises’
On 28 November, Peter Oliver, Honorary professor at the ULB and associated member of the Centre, will present his research on ‘Free Movement of Goods in Troubled Times: Localism, Solidarity and Crises’ Attendance is free and a light lunch is…
Find out more »December 2023
Internal seminar: ‘Sustainable cities: Brussels case study analysis to reach climate neutrality by 2030
On 5 December, Alina Franci, Master student at the University of Milan, will present her research on ‘Sustainable cities: Brussels case study analysis to reach climate neutrality by 2030’ Attendance is free and a light lunch is provided but registration…
Find out more »(Français) Séminaire interne: ‘La protection de l’indépendance des juges par la Cour EDH et la CJUE: derniers développements’.
Le 12 décembre, Marianne Dony, professeure honoraire à l'ULB et membre du Centre, présentera ses recherches sur ‘La protection de l'inde?pendance des juges par la Cour EDH et la CJUE: derniers de?veloppements’. La participation est gratuite et un déjeuner léger est…
Find out more »February 2024
(Français) On building legal narratives of climate change: the Belgian Climate case
Presentation by Prof. Carole Billiet (UHasselt) as a special guest speaker to discuss the Belgian climate litigation case on Thursday 15 February 2024 (17-18:00) at the IEE-ULB
Find out more »March 2024
Judicial Review in CFSP: Developments, Potential and Limits
The Treaty of Lisbon abolished the Pillar structure and brought the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) within the constitutional framework of the Treaties. The CFSP requires navigating a tension: upholding the constitutional guarantees of the Union legal order while…
Find out more »Combating Impunity for International Crimes: the EU’s Response to the War in Ukraine and Beyond
Preventing the most serious international crimes and putting an end to impunity for their perpetrators has long been a concern of the international community, and despite controversies surrounding international criminal justice, the war in Ukraine has increased the attention paid…
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