Summer School “The EU Area of Criminal Justice”

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Summer School “The EU Area of Criminal Justice”

1 July - 5 July

About the Summer School Its objective is to provide participants with an extensive knowledge of EU criminal law. Classes are taught by experts who combine theoretical and practical approaches, and are tailored to practitioners and academics, including researchers and students seeking to enhance their skills in this dynamic field.

Programme  This year the program is composed in two main parts: general classes destined to provide you with a basic knowledge of EU criminal law, and specialized classes focusing on judicial cooperation in criminal matters.  

For more information, and the full programme, please consult this page : LINK.

General classes:

  • Negotiating and Adopting EU Criminal Law Instruments
  • Judicial Control and Approximation of Legislation
  • Police Cooperation, Europol & External Dimension of the EU area of criminal justice

Specialised classes:  

  • Eurojust & European Judicial Network
  • Admissibility, Collection, and Exchange of Cross-Border Evidence
  • EAW, Transfer of Prisoners, Transfer of Proceedings
  • Protection of Victims, Ne bis in idem
  • Special event “Evening Conference on the Digitalisation of Judicial Cooperation” (participation to this conference will be free)

Fees •  Students and PhD candidates: 400 € & Other participants: 650 €. Scholarships are available.



Institut d’Etudes Européennes (IEE-ULB), 39 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, Room Spaak