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Apéros du droit européen: Digital platforms and antitrust
22 March 2022 à 18h 00 - 20h 00

On Tuesday 22 March, Dr. Miguel de la Mano, Executive Vice-President in Compass Lexecon (Brussels), will speak on “Digital platforms and antitrust” at the Institute of European Studies (ULB) from 18.00 to 20.00.
Exploring how competition policy should be adapted to and applied in the digital era remains a highly debated topic. Opinions diverge as to how competition policy should best promote pro-consumer innovation in the digital age. Miguel will share his insights on this important topic as the leading economist that he is, having a vast experience in private pratice and with competition authorities. Before joining Compass Lexecon, Miguel worked at the European Commission as a competition economist since 2000. He became a member of the newly created Chief Economist Team in 2003. He was appointed Deputy Chief Economist in early 2009. Miguel co-drafted guidelines setting out the European Commission’s analytical framework on merger control, vertical and horizontal agreements (Article 101 TFEU) as well as single firm conduct (Article 102 TFEU). From October 2011 to May 2012 he was Acting Chief Economist at the UK Competition Commission.
Miguel completed his graduate studies in economics at the Institute for World Economics in Kiel (Germany) and the European Institute at Saarbrucken University (Germany). He conducted his Ph.D. research at Oxford University (UK). He has published extensively on EU competition policy.
Attendance to this event is free but prior registration is mandatory: https://forms.gle/UEBNLGo1WRe51veL9
This event will be organised in person and will respect the applicable sanitary rules.