Vacancy for a two-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship (deadline 21 June 2024)

Friday 24 May 2024

The IEE is looking for a full-time Post-Doctoral Fellow in the framework of the Horizon Europe project NAVIGATOR (‘The EU Navigating Multilateral Cooperation’).

The project aims to address the questions about how the EU should navigate the increasingly complex – and conflict-laden – institutional spaces of global governance to advance a rules-based international order and what factors should be emphasized when considering which institutions to strengthen, which to reform, and which to by-pass when revitalising multilateralism.

As part of the team based at the IEE-ULB, the person hired post-doctoral researcher will carry out research on the evolution of global governance and multilateralism in the field of migration. The tasks will include the collection of data and the conduct of interviews, as well as the preparation of the deliverables foreseen in the project. The person, working under the supervision of Prof. Chloé Brière, will also be involved in the dissemination of the results of the project and liaise with the partner institutions.

Expertise in migration, international relations, global governance and/or EU external relations is essential. The project being interdisciplinary, all applicants with a PhD in a relevant field (Law, Social Sciences and/or International Relations) will be considered, and expertise focused on themes relevant to the project and the WP 7 on migration will be an asset.

The position is of 2 years, starting from October 2024. The deadline to apply is on June 21st, and online interviews will be organised the first week of July.

Full details of the vacancy are available here: NAVIGATOR Post-Doctoral Fellowship.