Conférence « Advancing Justice in the Digital Age : the Modernisation of Judicial Cooperation »

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décembre 2023

(English) Internal seminar: ‘Sustainable cities: Brussels case study analysis to reach climate neutrality by 2030

5 décembre 2023  à  12h 30 - 13h 30

On 5 December, Alina Franci, Master student at the University of Milan, will present her research on ‘Sustainable cities: Brussels case study analysis to reach climate neutrality by 2030’ Attendance is free and a light lunch is provided but registration…

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Séminaire interne: ‘La protection de l’indépendance des juges par la Cour EDH et la CJUE: derniers développements’.

12 décembre 2023  à  12h 30 - 13h 30

Le 12 décembre, Marianne Dony, professeure honoraire à l'ULB et membre du Centre, présentera ses recherches sur ‘La protection de l'inde?pendance des juges par la Cour EDH et la CJUE: derniers de?veloppements’. La participation est gratuite et un déjeuner léger est…

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février 2024

On building legal narratives of climate change: the Belgian Climate case

15 février  à  17h 00 - 18h 00

Presentation by Prof. Carole Billiet (UHasselt) as a special guest speaker to discuss the Belgian climate litigation case on Thursday 15 February 2024 (17-18:00) at the IEE-ULB

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mars 2024

Judicial Review in CFSP: Developments, Potential and Limits

15 mars  à  16h 00 - 19h 00
Institut d’Etudes Européennes (IEE-ULB), 39 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, Room Spaak,

The Treaty of Lisbon abolished the Pillar structure and brought the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) within the constitutional framework of the Treaties. The CFSP requires navigating a tension: upholding the constitutional guarantees of the Union legal order while…

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Combating Impunity for International Crimes: the EU’s Response to the War in Ukraine and Beyond

19 mars  à  9h 00 - 17h 00
Institut d’Etudes Européennes (IEE-ULB), 39 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, Room Spaak

Preventing the most serious international crimes and putting an end to impunity for their perpetrators has long been a concern of the international community, and despite controversies surrounding international criminal justice, the war in Ukraine has increased the attention paid…

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mai 2024

Book Launch « Collegiality in the European Commission – Legal Substance and Institutional Practice » with Maria Patrin

14 mai  à  12h 30 - 13h 30
Institut d’études européennes – Salle Kant, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 39
Bruxelles, 1050 Belgique
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We are glad to welcome Dr Maria Patrin from the University of Florence to present her recent book Collegiality in the European Commission – Legal Substance and Institutional Practice, which came out in 2023 with Oxford University Press. Collegiality is…

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European Competition Law Tuesdays’ 2024 Closing Speech

21 mai  à  19h 00 - 20h 30
Institut d’Etudes Européennes (IEE-ULB), 39 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, Room Spaak

Join us for the closing speech by Olivier Guersent, Director General DG COMP, European Commission. Mr. Guersent's expertise promises to shed light on the burning topics shaping competition policy within the European Union.

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Matinée d’études: La compétence préjudicielle au sein de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne – réorganisation et perspectives

31 mai  à  8h 30 - 12h 45
ULB | Bibliothèque du Centre interdisciplinaire d’Etude des Religions et de la Laïcité (CIERL) | Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 17, 1050 Bruxelles

Dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre l’Université libre de Bruxelles et l’Université de Liège, les professeurs Paul Dermine et Jonathan Wildemeersch organisent une matinée d’études consacrée à la compétence préjudicielle au sein de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne.…

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juillet 2024

Summer School « The EU Area of Criminal Justice »

1 juillet - 5 juillet
Institut d’Etudes Européennes (IEE-ULB), 39 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, Room Spaak

About the Summer School • Its objective is to provide participants with an extensive knowledge of EU criminal law. Classes are taught by experts who combine theoretical and practical approaches, and are tailored to practitioners and academics, including researchers and…

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Conférence « Advancing Justice in the Digital Age : the Modernisation of Judicial Cooperation »

4 juillet  à  17h 30 - 19h 00
Institut d’Etudes Européennes (IEE-ULB), 39 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, Room Spaak

Every year in early July, the European Criminal Law Academic Network organises its Annual Summer School on the EU Area of Criminal Justice. This year’s edition focuses on judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Beyond the study of the existing EU…

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