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Apéro du droit européen “The Digital Markets Act”
12 mai 2022 à 18h 30 - 20h 00

On Thursday 12 May, René Repasi, member of the European Parliament, will speak on “The Digital Markets Act” on the ULB Campus (Building H, room 5237) from 18.30 to 20.00.
In March 2022, negotiators from the European Parliament and the Council reached a political agreement on the Commission’s proposal to regulate large online platforms who act as “gatekeepers”. This piece of EU legislation aims at curbing the market power of big online platforms, as a complement to traditional anti-trust enforcement tools.
René Repasi is a member of the European Parliament, where he acted as “shadow rapporteur” during the legislative procedure leading to the adoption of the Digital Markets Act. Before becoming a member of the European Parliament, he was a Professor of Law at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. He has also taught at the Universities of Leiden, Delf and Heidelberg. He has worked at the European Commission and at the Court of Justice of the EU (chambers of AG Kokott). He specialises in the law of the Economic and Monetary Union.
René Repasi holds a PhD from the University of Heidelberg. He studied law at the University of Heidelberg and Montpellier. He has published extensively on EU competition policy. He has published extensively on issues relating to the economic and financial governance of the EU, banking regulation, constitutional and institutional implications of the economic and monetary union.
Attendance to this event is free but prior registration is mandatory. The registration form is available here: https://forms.gle/6YsJUTnKp9aK4P2V7.
This event will be organised in person and will respect the applicable sanitary rules. The building H can be found on the map below