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Apéro du droit européen / Evening conference « Cooperation in criminal matters beyond EU’s borders »
30 juin 2021 à 18h 00 - 20h 00

This conference is organized in the framework of the 2021 edition of the Summer School « The EU Area of Criminal Justice ». It will address the cooperation between he European Union and its partners in criminal matters.
The speakers will discuss topical examples of such cooperation, namely: the new relations between the United Kingdom and the EU, the role that EU agencies might play to foster international cooperation and the role of partnerships with international organisations active in this field.
Chair: Anne Weyembergh, Professor of EU Criminal Law at Université libre de Bruxelles
- Adam Lazowski, Professor of EU law at University of Westminster – Criminal cooperation with the United Kingdom : a special relationship?
- Inès Armada, Judicial Cooperation Officer at Eurojust – The role of Eurojust in facilitating judicial cooperation with non-EU countries
- Representative, UNODC Brussels Liaison Office (TBC) – Complementary partners? The collaboration between the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and the EU
Q&A Session
The Conference is open to all, and registration is free but mandatory via this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSczKQXHUYMrf7LNIFbC2sM4vgI7yWrizz5CkMVm2qooh5EqEA/viewform